jajajaj le hacen pensar a las chicas que unos carajos la van a besar le tapan los ojos y los cambias por unos chimpanses y luego plop se dan cuanta q son los monitos quienes las besan
Videos, Fotos, Juegos, información sobre animales
jajajaj le hacen pensar a las chicas que unos carajos la van a besar le tapan los ojos y los cambias por unos chimpanses y luego plop se dan cuanta q son los monitos quienes las besan
San Ictícola de los Peces (Tarantela Litúrgica 1/2) Esta grabación se realizó el sábado, 30 de enero de 1999 en Teatro Auditorium (Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina) Para ver completo pincha en el siguiente link es.youtube.com
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este es un extracto de la cancion de Inverness, Nubes.. la cual suena en una parte de la exitosa película La Vida de Los Peces
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Legend of the Seeker 2×16 Desecrated. Con pista de subtítulo en español. Como ultimamente sacada directamente de subtítulos.es por lo que solo están corregidos los primeros minutos.. pero la promo del siguiente capítulo está subtitulada también para que me perdonéis por las tardanzas…
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Legend of the Seeker 2×13 Princess. Con pista de subtítulo en español.
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« READ PLEASE» HELLO EVERYONE! I came back! 🙂 Sorry for being so long out of youtube, I’m busy channel of my riding club, AGTucuman! «Please come and subscribe» Well, after much training and a long vacation, I’m back. So much has happened it is almost impossible to summarize. »Anselmo, there is little pony. I did not jump for 3 months and that was not enough to forget how. Yesterday (3/25/2011) I started back training with your jump, you did really well! Yesterday we got to jump 80 cm. Today when I woke up first thing I did was BREAKFAST. jajajajjajaj what else you expect? well after bathing and making my bed, I went to ride for a while outside my house (home for the weekend) ‘bareback’. it was fun. Then I remembered a photo I had uploaded to Facebook before the holidays where I was jumping with anselmo, so I said … why not renew that photo? I decided I could do with a greater height, since in that I have, I’m jumping do not know … 50 cm? jajaj so I built the fence and as I am vague and did not want to put the saddle on Anselmo decided to jump on the hair. first warmed up, I do not recorded because my brother got angry with me and deleted the clips I had. I started with my jumps of 50 cm. then I got to 70, then 80 … AND I WENT TO EAT:) when I returned from lunch, I climbed the fence to what I thought was 90. as Anselm had resting, I tried to do is jump and he was half hard because threw everything …. I decided a little more heat to soften it a little muscle and …
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Preview of Stcairns’s blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: www.travelpod.com This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Entry from: Cajas, Ecuador Entry Title: «Hiking Around Cuenca: El Cajas Primera Vez» Entry: «As promised, I am posting photos and a brief update of our trip outside Cuenca. Near Cuenca is a beautiful large national park called El Cajas. Many people bike, hike or ride horses through this park and we’ll probably do all of those activities during our time here. This time we went with some folks from the hostel and our friend Marie the German. Leaving in the morning and bringing cucumber cream cheese sandwiches we hiked around the park and got back by nightfall. Known for its biting cold at this time of the year, we were initially treated to gorgeous weather — sun and almost hot temperatures. We were able to lunch next to a lake and see many different types of birds. A pamphlet handed out by the park ranger office told us what we might be seeing… maybe it was a Rufous-bellied Nighthawk or.. Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant or.. Zapphire-Vented Puffleg. With names like those, I could see why birding is fun. «Hey Look! Its a Slaty-Backed Chat-Tyrant!» However 30 minutes before we got back to our bus stop home the cold weather struck. It hailed! By then the cameras were out of batteries and I didn’t take any photos. But the experience of hail in south america was a fun thrill. For practice I’m going to post the …
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Final de Boys Before Flowers Historia Kim HyunJoong, Kim Bum y Lee MinHo tocando piano. Mil Gracias a tintin04jayjay por sederme sus videos trraducidos al Inglés Gracias por ver mis videos Espero se hayan divertido…. como lo hice yo ^___^ creditos a: Sub Inglés tintin04jayjay Sub Español 1700jzg
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7 de marzo del 2000 asi es el carnaval de numaran palo encebado puerco encebado mojigangas y vaile muy divertido .
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Video divertido que recoge los mejores momentos de una tarde en Zolina, por Miryam y María. Por todos estos momentos me siento afortunada de tenernos los unos a los otros, de que mi vida vaya con el ZJT, y nunca sin él.
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cover orange es un divertido juego que podeis encontrar pada jugar aqui: www.juegosjuegos.com este tutorial explica como jugar a este juego
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Caida de un ser llamado Pana en su propio prado cuando iba a echar de comer al caballo. Gajes del oficio…
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